Michelle Obama’s Push-Up Showdown on Ellen

by Suzy Oge on February 2, 2012

Drop and give me…. 25?  Michelle Obama and Ellen DeGeneres demonstrate their fitness prowess as the First Lady answers Ellen’s call for a push-up challenge. Ellen’s looking very fit! Michelle Obama describes her work out routine as an hour and a half EVERY Day! If the first Lady can make the time, so can you!

They are both great fitness role models, in line with the First Lady’s “Let’s Move” campaign to promote healthier living and tackle the growing obesity problem, particularly among kids!

Personally, I hope we start to see a trend; more push-up contests and other “spontaneous” displays of strength! So next time we see each other, are you prepared to drop and give me….20?


Deborah February 3, 2012 at 10:25 am

Okay, I give … THAT is impressive. Amazing role model, not to mention amazing fitness!

Suzy Oge February 3, 2012 at 10:57 am

Okay Deborah, you are saying you will give it a try? Great! If you just start with 10 pushups every night before bed & build up from there. Start from your knees. Next thing you know, you will be doing push-ups and planking all around your office! 😉

akkie February 7, 2012 at 7:41 am

Hi Suzy, great video and fun to see this two ladies doing pushups. I realize that can run easily 10k but not 10 pushups. So I will follow up your advice and start tonight.

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